Events for February 2025

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TRL-LA MTSS Best Practices

Zoom Registration Required

MTSS Best Practices: Connecting Assessment and Instruction REGISTER NOW! Session Description: MTSS provides a framework for implementing the science of reading. This session will outline the MTSS model for reading improvement in elementary schools. Best practices will be shared for connecting screening and instruction, specifically using universal screening data for planning literacy improvement. Presenter: Dr. Stephanie Stollar Dr. Stephanie Stollar is the founder of Stephanie Stollar Consulting LLC and the creator of The Reading Science Academy. Dr. Stollar is a part-time assistant professor in the online reading science program at Mount St. Joseph [...]


Supporting Louisiana Schools’ Literacy Plans: Elementary Intervention Structures

Zoom Registration Required

Supporting Louisiana Schools’ Literacy Plans: Elementary Intervention Structures REGISTER NOW! Session Description: Participants will engage in conversation with a Louisiana school system that is effectively implementing structured literacy supports that assist all students in their learning needs. This session will be the first of a series of presentations centered around responses to intervention systems and intervention structures that are making significant impacts on student reading achievement. During this session, participants will focus on elementary intervention systems and the logistical structures of a successful system. Presenters: Jodi Lemoine is the Director of Accountability for [...]


Dyslexia: Discovering the Diamonds

Zoom Registration Required

Dyslexia: Discovering the Diamond The Reading League Louisiana webinar partnered with the Louisiana Department of Education and The Center for Literacy & Learning.      REGISTER NOW! Session Description: Louisiana Department of Education’s Literacy Mission: Louisiana students will have improved literacy outcomes through high-quality instruction and interactions from an effective teacher who is supported by leaders and families. With so many great changes happening recently for students surrounding the implementation of structured literacy, students with dyslexia will still require continued support beyond whole-group instruction. We will discuss what that support can and [...]

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